


2021-12-31 08:57 作者:仲崇霓双语创新趣 围观:
第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

第三辑 参会论坛感悟篇(Forum inspiration)

首都师大周校建设教授致辞:CAPITAL FORUM

首战告捷微信见Capital gathering has been settled in the hotel.

都鄙有章智慧管Ask some representatives using the PPT to tell.

师说论道软件研Practice comes from ancient tradition quite well.

大度包容耐心含Including patience to be generous in each cell.

周到细致态度谦Timely service is around us the whole in detail.

校园推广点带面Attention has been paid to high schools overall.

建瓴高屋抓宏观Learn to operate from a top position strategical.

设计高端功能全Full functions are from high-end software for sale.

教育创新引理念Organize such an creative activity up to the ideal.

授业解惑方法变Regulate approaches to respect the education rule.

致敬代表妙发言Use a wonderful speech to salute the members all.

辞美真诚心震撼Magnificent scene touches each expert in the hall.

院长张跃研究数据力量:DATUM POWER

院校合作项目创Decide to run a project by a kind cooperation;

长江后浪推前浪Actually the new push on the old generation;

张灯结彩布会场Try to decorate the forum for a good situation.

跃然纸上文采棒Use hearty words to give a wonderful description.

研发内容高大上Manage to make the research noble as a mission.

究根结底天赋帮Potential talents are the key point to the question.

数往知来智慧亮Originally know the future due to consideration.

居高临下事顺畅Watch carefully for occupying a higher position.

力排众议有主张Ensure the latest ideas show in the dissertation.

量能授官潜能放Respect colleagues by offering a proper station.

执行院长陈瑞江主持研讨会:HOST THE FORUM

话筒手执发言权Hold the microphone deciding to make a difference.

不虚此行世面见Open mind by experiencing the valuable conference.

北邮大院办公点Share the same yard with the university as an office.

博采众长聚科研Take various ideas to focus on the research of science.

贯朽粟陈不差钱Timely donation to the need for having much old rice.

阳光祥瑞信心满Hopeful sunshine characters are full of confidence.

搅海翻江声势显Enthusiastic atmosphere shows great significance.

独立自主幽默伴Find humor in work paving the way for independence.

绿叶扶持红花灿On a pure background green leaves get flowers of brilliance.

刻苦钻研兴趣牵Right away all work hard to put the theory into practice.

东征西讨拳脚展Unique ways to explore the new areas to strengthen force.

风云际会用户赞Many users from each province give praise of magnificence.

赞何大师明佳项目总监:LOVE MASTER

用心巧赞帅哥善Lovely fellows are united as one to be gentle.

创业为何价值显Operate a firm mainly to make them valuable.

精深博大世典范Vast and profound insight as a world example.

益友良师待同伴Encouragement & honest feedback for people.

磊落光明儒雅谦Manage to be perfectly open all to be humble.

酒美肴佳话温暖Afford good wine and dainty dishes not a little.

检查事项严把关Strict to inspect items according to each label.

慈眉善目人中仙Thankful benignant looks immortal in temple.

及时汇总分析看Exact analysis from timely summary material.

通知学监付实践Right away put into practice by telling the title.

感谢清华大学外语系张文霞教授:LANGUAGE EXPERT

参会有感网络传Like using the Internet to express my feeling.

书写道谢眼界宽Awaken by the touching words in the meeting.

思明路清绕重点Notice something important is surrounding.

待宾奢华中西餐Gracious treat is offered while we are dining.

楼高厅大人员满Universal mansions there are high standing.

巨儒鸿学作发言All experts show their opinions by speaking.

长城内外风采展Great Wall-like magnificence is presenting.

正言俗语同称赞Encouraged by various words of expressing.

项目心系常挂念Ensure to keep the project in mind thinking.

论坛开张话前沿Xmas is chosen to open the forum fronting.

学术刊文量领先Publish the theses in a great number leading.

面如彩霞心中欢Enlightened color on face with heart beating.

巧激善教潜力显Right ways to tap potential is good teaching.

点评面授益匪浅Touched to get a lot by face-to-face correcting.


满园桃李育栋梁Courtyards full of students are for the elite development.

天蓝水清环保帮Often blue sky and clear water due to the environment.

低调才隐藏锋芒Noble mind hidden in a low posture shows a great talent.

课题钻研重任扛Concentrate on the project based on something important.

深思探究身繁忙Research in consideration needs those who are diligent.

组内成员议经常Ensure the committee members have a frequent argument.

承担要务案例详Take in hand the main task with detailed examples present.

鼓励求实不彷徨Encouraged to work for reality without hesitation current.

基于语言大数据的中学英语教学创新研讨会有感: THANKS


若有时间需喜欢Time will come to us if we like.

相互帮助赢双边Help each other to win from two sides.

合适安排指导全Arrange everything properly to guide.

只要尝试均不难Nothing is difficult if we have a try.

东道热情记心间Kind hosts' attitude has been kept in mind.

满意证明用笑脸Smiles on face prove we are satisfied.

四川大学外语学院孔令翠院长幽默话论坛: HUMOROUSLY

一孔之见来自谦Hole views are showed as a user modestly.

军令如山全员参Unique dignity influences the whole actively.

刻翠裁红文稿编Make a quite wonderful speech meticulously.

川院外语威名展Official foreign language college is known widely.

天长地久经考验Regular training activities are offered continually.

洞幽察微解全面Observe small in detail and explain all completely.

恭默守静境界宽Ultimate waiting proves a great mind gradually.

长话短说抓重点Short utterance concentrates on the key briefly.

言论风生气氛欢Laughter appears when speaking humorously.

登坛入阁众称赞You are praised standing on the stage proudly.



当之无愧市文联Awards no one can earn more than the Literary Federation.

代表文化站前沿Culture represented is always in the leading reputation.

诗词创作盛世赞To praise the flourishing age through the poetic creation.

歌赋抒发时代感Inspired to voice the present time in the song expression.

欣喜若狂邀请参Very happy to attend such a conference by invitation.

赏心悦目视野宽Insight is broadened by pleasing our eyes impression.

活力四射激情燃Try to be energetic and full of the burning passion.

动静结合藏内涵Young dynamic and static states has rich connotation.

张文宝先生谈《连云小镇》阅读分享:LIVELY ACTIVITY


活动开张售书忙Let each member buy a book with the name signed by the author.

感人美文释彷徨Inspiring words of the article help readers solve the puzzle clearer.

如获至宝心头亮View the book as a precious jewel to make the mind much brighter.

灵感为先作品创Enthusiastic inspiration will guarantee the creation of the producer.

智慧人生新时尚Life of wisdom is fashionable nowadays announced by the presenter.

舒心畅谈神飞扬Yell to express a growing procedure for being an excellent lecturer.

山海相连美景赏Appreciate the scenery of the hills and the sea combined together.

蓝天白云花草香Conform the blue sky and white clouds with fragrant grass flower.

人物大小耿直爽Take on varied honest and frank figures by describing each character.

文化古镇石街长Initial cultural features of the ancient town is a stone street longer.

千年尽阅显沧桑Vicissitudes through thousands of years are created by the writer.

诗书饱读奏华章Intensively read poetry & literature to compose a brilliant chapter.

区域划分国际港This district is classified looking upon it as an international harbor.

财富共享实力强Yet all people have shared the wealth for local economy is stronger.



欢欣鼓舞筹大典Ceremony is being prepared by all full of high inspiration.

迎接校庆材料赶Engaged in collecting materials for the school celebration.

蒋特正高全面管Return with a top academic rank rising to a high position.

捍卫真理意志坚Ensure to defend the truth with a strong willpower in action.

校园活动激情燃Manage to use colorful activities to stimulate in circulation.

长期如此成果添Often do like this we can see the achievement accumulation.

上头满意基层欢No doubt people are happy and superiors nod with satisfaction.

任重道远心中念Yes to keep in mind it is a long-term and arduous situation.

著名书画家、学者徐家康先生大学诵读与养生: KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH(2016-11-19)

头脑清净意境佳Keep mind pure to have an artistic conception.

大师慧心作品雅Enough wisdom contributes to elegant creation.

诗意堂斋出名画Export famous works from the poetic mansion.

修身为主素抗压Practise morality mainly resisting compression.

不疾不徐游天涯Imagine an appropriate speed traveling around.

艺术大家魅力洒No doubt the artistic charm is obviously found.

身体健康乐表达Generally the health leads to a good expression.

意在笔先智慧挖Organize all before writing due to wit excavation.

妙趣横生听众夸Often praised by audience for humor in description.

阐扬光大舞台搭Devote on the stage to the glorious propagation.

多闻博学善激发Hope to motivate others only because of erudition.

昼作夜诵勤奋抓Ensure to be diligent for daily reading and creation.

深思熟读决心下Again and again read carefully to make a decision.

及时给与解疙瘩Let something puzzled disappear for timely action.

提高素养靠文化To improve quality relying on cultural connotation.

服务众生惠国家Helping all living creatures benefits the great nation.

陆洋先生分享《西游记》阅读体验和收获: JOURNEY TO THE WEST(2016-10-14)

陆海潘江文采扬Judge the literary talent by the ancient literati appearance.

洋人气质塑形象Outlander temperament fashions into the image reference.

先进评比义气帮Use the personal loyalty to help to get the prize for justice.

生动活泼联系广Road to animation results from the wide connection notice.

分析性格选篇章New inner character appears for analyzing a chapter piece.

享受四勇细节详Enjoy bravery of four kinds in detail about the difference.

西方取经师徒忙Yes to find it busy to get sutra for master and apprentice.

游惊历险除魔障Travel through hardships and dangers to rid abhorrence.

记录过程话成长Offer the record of process in order to grow acquaintance.

阅历丰富守信仰To keep the belief only because of the colorful experience.

读物围绕美猴王Handsome Monkey King is emphasized in the conference.

体会领悟释彷徨Experience and comprehend it to get the puzzle credence.

验证推理飘书香Wonderful explanation is due to verification and inference.

和睦相处乐分享Ensure to be happy together by sharing the consequence.

收放自如首尾藏Smoothly hide the beginning and the end in the existence.

获取法宝重修养Take the precious opinion on how to get the reminiscence.

2016年高考体艺专业省统考送考与美术省统考考务培训工作会议: TRAINING


艺体统考走在前The unified examinations of art and sport majors come ahead of time.

部门服务行率先Right away all relevant departments are getting ready to stand aside.

县区代培点分散Areas for training are distributed in each county and district for a try.

通知集训定时间Information of the time and place for the assembly appeared on line.

布局精工讲全面Nice layout of precision work is told and involves everything entire.

设计细作突重点Intensive and careful contributions only protrude the perfect design.

相关参会做规范No one attending the meeting is absent-minded and all do as required.

领导审议发惊叹Go over the material submitted and utter out a comment of a surprise.

致全市高考学测报名工作会议:TO CONFERENCE


考虑周全定时间Think completely and arrange the time.

随行就市又一年Obvious routines again appear to shine.

劳苦功高心地善Contribution is mainly due to the kind.

抽查巡考各方面Open to inspect all schools on each side.

素质办学重体验Note quality through experience inside.

通过检测来改变Find a way to test and change the mind.

数据汇报讲客观Exact data to report show a concrete line.

久负盛名连招办Reputation of our admissions office is high.

异曲同工两会联Effect the same although the two combine.

分工合作责任担Native duty is from cooperation to realize.

心领神会效果翻Come to understand with the result to find.

博采众议事圆满Enough opinions to collect and all will be fine.



要求三高选拨挑 Three strict requirements for invigilators to select.

人员三校聚连高 Right now members from three schools get the best.

方法三招点周到 Approaches of skillfully training prove to be perfect.

有幸三生能监考 Invigilators are selected for the luck would affect.

会前三考达目标 Notices remind for several times of taking a web test.

明确三前行提早 Important to work ahead of time and never neglect.

步骤三培过程晓 No doubt it is clear to understand the whole text.

分段三训质量保 Gradual procedures will guarantee a good effect.



局长指教排在前Guidance from the head was first arranged.

肯定办学工匠赞Confirm our school to be the spirit of artisan.

动植巧管新观念Use wolf and micrantha to produce new ideas.

言之有理华为联Take Huawei as example on how to administrate.

孙浩妙经话宽严Sun Hao introduced how to make a good class.

华忠体验后进变Huazhong focused on how to change a poor one.

张慧提交爱心篇Zhang Hui handed in a perfect copy full of love.

常莹汗流劲头掀Chang Ying proved her enthusiasm about her work.

荣业体会悟全面Rongye realized a lot from all aspects in teaching.

刘盼盼好谈洁廉Liu Panpan behaved well as a pure Party member.

市口语等级测试主考人员培训会: A(N) ORAL TEST TRAIN

市区集中正规办A notice tells gathering in the city formally.

口直心快说观点Organize a meeting to express ideas clearly.

语气坚决迟者换Replace the one who is late immediately.

等第评判有疑难Assessment seems hard to judge certainly.

级别主考作决断Last result is decided by the key naturally.

测验数据记录全Test data are written down completely.

试题定时来交换Ensure to change papers to continue timely.

主张定夺智慧显Show wisdom by making a decision surely.

考虑周到心地善Take it into consideration fully and kindly.

人数安排实际联The total number is arranged practically.

员工素质立马见Right away the quality is seen apparently.

培养合格监考员Able invigilators are well trained carefully.

训练有素岗位验In each position can all be checked strictly.

会议内容记全面Notes to make for keeping in mind firmly.

江苏英语课外阅读教学论坛:READING FORUM


财源三江巧推广Rich financial resources result from the skilful promotion.

经济复苏理念帮Economy recovers gradually with the help of conception.

利用美英能力强Ability is strong by importing English & American edition.

千言万语谢赏光Distinguished guests are welcome by grateful description.

合作开课集训讲Important assemble begins because of the close cooperation.

部门内外联系忙Notice the busy connection inside and outside of the section.

博览广阅心敞亮Get into an open state for extensive reading & consideration.

作品细读慢欣赏Focus on the plot of reading materials only for appreciation.

启发善教潜能放Organize how to tap potential of effective teaching perfection.

引导自学智慧酿Road to wisdom originates in a correct self-study preparation.

教育理论新篇章Unique chapter will be composed for new ideas of education.

业界圣坛创辉煌Magnificent moment comes to a major publishing corporation.



连绵暴雨下不断 Constant rainfalls continue without stopping

云集外校体育馆 Gather at the stadium to attend a meeting

港城参会把名签 All the members sign their names when arriving

市区组织考试院 The examination committee is now organizing

高校录取看志愿 Universities admitted mainly rely on volunteering

考虑周到讲全面 Speakers consider completely while explaining

志在必得需巧填 Determined to succeed and focus on filling

愿望实现妙指点 Dreams to be realized need timely guiding

填写操作依文件 Fill in and operate with documents depending

报考误区要避免 The wrong regions to choose need avoiding

工程浩大详细研 Realize it is a huge project by detailed studying

作用发挥章程看 It can work due to the rules we are understanding

会同白皮综合参 Combine with the white-cover book consulting

议题关键做三员 All should keep in mind qualified when serving

赠镇江万达喜来登酒店: SHERATON


美言巧赠贵酒店Show beautiful words to the hotel for being kind.

两天坐镇妙体验Have a two-day experience and it is really nice.

望山观江古景点Enjoy three hills and one river covering each scenic site.

成千上万游客赞Round thousands of tourists think their choices right.

四通八达交通便All directions are connected for a convenient drive.

游人欢喜住习惯Travelers are used to living here and all would like.

纷至沓来客房满Often come in a continuous stream with room rate high.

捷足先登无遗憾No regrets exist for being occupied ahead of time.

吉利电动汽车全民自拍大赛:PHOTO CONTEST


吉人天相迎大奖Prizes will come to you naturally for being lucky.

利民为国环保创Help people protect environment for the country.

电气能源应提倡Opportunities will arrive to advocate electricity.

动力速提劲头棒The driving force promotes powerfully & quickly.

汽污消失安全放Off the gas is let without pollution due to safety.

车型精致高大上Car shape appears smart containing fashion purity.

全球品牌再推广Over again popularize it for it is famous globally.

民众积极参与帮Nation members are active in helping the activity.

自发兴起投票忙Take volunteer action to vote participants busily.

拍照上传友分享Ensure to share the photo with friends sincerely.

大伙添柴火焰强Strong flames stay for all put firewood constantly.

赛事空前播实况The competition is broadcast live unprecedentedly.



爱护身体需保健Health is necessary to take care attentively.

功能试验促入眠Try the function and soon fall asleep easily.

品种齐全色泽艳Lots of colorful styles are showed perfectly.

声誉环球无虚言Brands are famous around the world truly.

大浪淘沙创经典Right after challenges one is left classically.

项目研发专家团An expert team determines the item mainly.

市场扩大内外占Numerous markets at home & broad globally.

工艺名师客户赞Design skills are praised by customers sincerely.

生态大沙湾游乐园:PLAY AREA


幸福人生需游玩Playing is necessary for people to have a happy life.

健康常态要锻炼Let health be a normal state by doing physical exercise.

堤长海大视野宽A long dam steps in the vast sea with the vision wide.

浪卷细沙裹脚面Yellow sands cover the feet with the waves rolling high.

美丽海湾游客满A beautiful bay is full of tourists here and there inside.

观光旅游作首选Remember it should be the first choice of touring sight.

舌尖快乐尝海鲜Enjoy the seafood to make tip of the tongue satisfied.

梦想龙园儿童欢An ideal dragon park attracts children joyfully to arrive.

弘扬五四精神 凝聚青春力量 (2016-05-04)

精英出现时势造Elites appear due to the suitable situation.

神奇团队青年绕Magic teams are full of young generation.

凝心志同目标高Fix will with a high aim for the ambition.

聚力道合成果超Get power together beyond description.

青云直上冲九霄Rapid advancement in career operation.

春风满面显自豪Smile broadly because of proud sensation.

力度加大创业搞Reinforce to create a business circulation.

量体裁衣重实效Act according to an effective consideration.

江苏省高中数学竞赛 (2016-05-8)

举行竞赛成常态It has become normal state to hold various contests.

办学成果活动带School achievements come along with colorful activities.

高手自信乐参赛Many confident talents are happy to attend all events.

中奖证书省级开It is up to the province to award the prize certificates.

数据参考比例裁Consult the data and ultimately the proportion decides.

学以致用智慧来Learn to use what learned and wisdom naturally comes.

竞技拼搏显豪迈Strive for the high aim and your life will be full of prides.

赛事频频周日排Contests of each subject frequently open on Sundays.

举办江苏省高中化学竞赛 (2016-04-17)

素质高举规范裁Hold high quality judged by the regulations.

旧事新办名目改Name changes still the wine in the basement.

自信才高皆参赛All confident talents attend the competition.

答题选中省奖牌Those to be selected can get a high position.

校园文化活动带Cultural campus come along with activities.

妙趣乐学智慧来Wisdom resulted from pleasure and interest.

拼搏齐竞显豪迈Struggle to step a large step showing pride.

学科大赛周日开Contests of each subject open each Sunday.

“扬子石化杯”第三十届中国化学奥林匹克竞赛 (2016-05-22)

频繁祝贺周日赛 Frequent congratulations on each Sunday contest.

文字激扬智慧来 Inspiring words come from wisdom for the best.

充实日子活动排 Rich daily life is full of activities without any rest.

眼观巨石思路开 Watch the large rock and open mind in the nest.

日出雾化客人来 The sun rises with mist disappearing for a guest.

清水一杯放讲台 A glass of pure water is put on the teaching desk.

试题深奥实无奈 Difficult problems to solve and most feel upset.

此次初赛复试迈 The first time to be here welcomes the final test.

沉痛悼念剑波女士: MOURNING

沉重心情来送行Moment all have a deep feeling.

痛失同事泪晶莹Over life people are still thinking.

悼词思念抒友情Understanding becomes missing.

念叨惜时工作拼Right away cherish time working.

剑光犀利脑中影Nothing can influence teaching.

波及组内练激灵Inside produces energy inspiring.

女侠胆识魂魄惊Night awake for creative writing.

士气振作用功勤Go up with all pains appeasing.
