


2022-11-04 23:40 作者:岱善亲子微社区 围观:

英语绘本故事|A Good Night’s Sleep 良好的睡眠,下面一起来看看本站小编岱善亲子微社区给大家精心整理的答案,希望对您有帮助


A Good Night's Sleep



Bear couldn't sleep. He tugged at his quilt and fluffed up his pillow.


Finally, he said to himself, "I know how to make myself sleepy. I'll count sheep."


Bear counted: "One sheep, two sheep, three, and four."


Bear's eyelids fluttered.


"Five sheep," he whispered.


"Six." His tired eyes closed.


Soon he began snoring.


The next morning, Bear's neighbor Sheep stopped by for a visit.


Bear poured her a cup of tea.


"Sheep, your eyes look bright," Bear said.


"You must have had a good night's sleep."


"Last night, I felt restless," said Sheep, stirring her tea.


"I couldn’t settle down."


"Then how did you nod off?" asked Bear.


"When I can't sleep," said Sheep, "I count bears!"


The End





Vocabulary: sleep 词汇 : 睡眠

How much sleep do you need? Do you find that if you don't get enough shut-eye and wake up feeling dopey, you spend the rest of the day in a bad mood? I certainly need my eight hours a night and that's important according to research, because bad sleep isn't good for our health.


We all need a good night's rest to recharge our batteries, but according to the Sleep Council in the UK, the average Briton gets six-and-a-half hours sleep a night, which for most people is not enough. It's tempting to cut back on the sleep we get, after all there are plenty of other more fun or useful things to be doing. Sometimes the pressure of work or a long commute means that our head hits the pillow much later than it should. But lots of studies have shown that cutting back on sleep, deliberately or otherwise, can have a serious impact on our bodies.


Studies have proved that sleep deprivation has a negative effect on our bodies but it can also have an effect on our mental health. A BBC programme called Trust Me, I'm a Doctor ran an experiment with the University of Oxford and was surprised to discover how quickly the mood of the people they were testing changed when their sleep was restricted to four hours a night for just three nights. Doctoral student, Sarah Reeve, who ran the experiment, said: "There were increases in anxiety, depression and stress, also increases in paranoia and feelings of mistrust about other people".


This and other research into the mental health of students, has found that the lack of sleep increases our negative emotions. I know that when I'm sleep deprived, it is harder to feel positive about things or even think straight! Daniel Freeman, professor of clinical psychology at Oxford University, agrees that insomnia is bad for our brain. He says: "We have more negative thoughts when we're sleep-deprived and we get stuck in them".

这项研究和其他针对学生心理健康的研究发现,睡眠不足会增加我们的负面情绪。我知道当我睡眠不足的时候,我很难对事情感到积极,甚至很难思考清楚!牛津大学临床心理学教授丹尼尔·弗里曼(Daniel Freeman)也认为,失眠对我们的大脑有害。他说:“当我们睡眠不足时,我们会有更多消极的想法,我们会陷入这些想法中。”

Bad sleep doesn't automatically mean you'll get mental health issues but other studies have shown that depriving people of enough sleep for only a few nights in a row can be enough to put healthy adults into a pre-diabetic state. So with all this evidence maybe we should concentrate on sleeping well. This means going to bed at a sensible time and creating the right environment in the bedroom to relax and sleep in. There's also the modern distraction of using smartphones and tablets at bedtime, tempting us to stay awake. The blue light emitted by electronic devices makes us feel less sleepy. And using them stimulates our brain when it should be winding down. What helps you get a good night's sleep?



shut-eye 闭眼,睡眠
wake up 醒来
dopey 嗜睡的,迷迷糊糊的
recharge our batteries 恢复我们的体力
head hits the pillow 头挨枕头,睡觉
cut back 减少
sleep deprivation 睡眠不足
mental health 心理健康
anxiety 焦虑(症)
paranoia 多疑,妄想症
lack of sleep 缺觉
negative emotions 负面情绪
think straight 清楚地思考,思路清晰
insomnia 失眠(症)
pre-diabetic state 糖尿病前期状态
sleepy 困的,瞌睡的
stimulate 刺激
wind down 平静下来,放松


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or false? Six and a half hours is not enough sleep for most people in the UK.

2. How many hours' sleep did students have in the experiment carried out by the University of Oxford?

3. According to research, what happens to our mood when we have less sleep?

4. Which word used in the article means 'an effect or an influence'?

5. What is it about using smartphones and tablets at bedtime that stops us getting to sleep?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. She started feeling ______ and was convinced her boss was going to fire her.

dopey paranoid insomnia stimulating

2. He suffers from depression, but he can't discuss his ______ with his employer.

mentally health mentality mental health shut-eye

3. After working all night, I was unable to ______ at the meeting the next morning.

cut back stimulate think straight recharge my batteries

4. Sean suffers from ______ because he drinks too much coffee before bedtime.

insomnia a cold shut-eye dopey

5. A glass of wine really helps me ______ after a busy day at work.

wind up winding stimulate wind down


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. True or false? Six and a half hours is not enough sleep for most people in the UK.
True. According to the UK's Sleep Council, the average Briton gets six-and-a-half hour's sleep a night, which for most people is not enough.

2. How many hours' sleep did students have in the experiment carried out by the University of Oxford?
Their sleep was restricted to four hours a night for just three nights.

3. According to research, what happens to our mood when we have less sleep?
Lack of sleep increases our negative emotions and we have more negative thoughts.

4. Which word used in the article means 'an effect or an influence'?

5. What is it about using smartphones and tablets at bedtime that stops us getting to sleep?
They emit blue light and using them stimulates our brain.

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. She started feeling paranoid and was convinced her boss was going to fire her.

2. He suffers from depression, but he can't discuss his mental health with his employer.

3. After working all night, I was unable to think straight at the meeting the next morning.

4. Sean suffers from insomnia because he drinks too much coffee before bedtime.

5. A glass of wine really helps me wind down after a busy day at work.



上一次精神抖擞地起床已是什么时候?现代人总是被许多事情困扰着:放不下的手机、忘不掉的人...... 失眠笼罩着越来越多人。我们都变成了那个“缺觉症患者”。


I passed a wakeful night.


pass 在这里指的是“度过一段时间” wakeful 指的是“人醒着的”

I was up all night


up 指的是"out of bed"(起床)

I had a sleepless night.


I tossed about in bed all night.


toss about 指的是“翻来复去、辗转反侧”

I was counting sheep all night.


count sheep是习语,意为“失眠”;源自失眠时“数羊”可入睡之传说


I guess I drank too much coffee, I was wide awake all night.


Sleeping pills somehow didn't work for me last night.


I've been suffering from insomnia.


I didn't close my eyes until early morning.





