


2021-12-29 20:51 作者:admin 围观:

We deduce brilliance in insipid and advance in the interweaving of warm and cold. This is life.我们在平淡中演绎精彩,在冷暖交织中前行,这就是生活。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

On the road of life, we are happy in the present, not for whom to change, also do not miss a touch of their own scenery.在生命的路上,我们怡然于当下,不为谁改变,也不错过属于自己的那一抹风景。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

In the journey of life, we should be happy in every landscape, relieved in every look back.在生命的征途中,我们应欣然于每一程山水,释然于每一次回眸。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

There is the noise of the day, there will be the loneliness of the night.有白昼的喧嚣,就会有黑夜的孤寂。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

People who have experienced warmth and coldness will cherish the sunshine more.经历了冷暖的人,会更加珍惜阳光的灿烂。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

If you want to succeed, you have to experience setbacks and frustrations.渴望成功,就得经受挫折和坎坷的历练。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

Follow the rough in a touch of sunshine, you can pass through the thorns.循着坎坷中的一抹阳光,就能穿过荆棘。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

Holding an umbrella in the wind and rain, you can walk through the mud.在风雨中撑一把雨伞,便可以走过泥泞。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

People who have tasted all kinds of life are always happy with the plain.尝尽人生百味的人,往往能欣然于平淡。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟

Running water is not rotten, water can be cleaned by 100 feet, life is like this, life lies in movement.流水不腐,水流百尺能自净,人生如此,生命在于运动。

双语美文欣赏:The feeling of life生命的感悟
